The purpose of FlyLux is to bring Empty Legs to the masses and provide consumers a singular platform to easily & speedily assess the empty leg market.
We recognise that time & simplicity is everything. Our business is focused around bringing empty legs to you. We strive to partner with all credible brokers to provide the largest database of Empty Legs in one centralised location, linking you directly with the seller of the flight with no complications or additional fees.
By making Empty Legs more accessible & consequently increasing awareness of available routes, consumers of FlyLux will be able to benefit from mass savings all year round.
We do not claim that you’ll be able to fly via an Empty Leg flight every time you wish to fly but we give you the best opportunity to do so.
With the global economic impact of Covid-19 expected to last some time, there is an obvious need in increasing the awareness of more cost-effective ways to travel privately with all the associated benefits. FlyLux looks to be your logistical companion to achieve sustainable private travel.
Planes flying empty is a needless event. It benefits none & collectively has a significant impact on our planet.
FlyLux serves to ultimately reduce planes in the sky, if an empty leg is filled you take away the need for another plan to be scrambled.
Less planes in the sky would be one of if not the greatest movements towards protecting our planet the private aviation sector has made. FlyLux looks to be the pioneer that leads to a change in the way we approach our flight options.